Full Name: Noah
Date of Birth: March 31, 2014
Sex: Male
Location of Rescue: Highgrove, California

ALL ABOARD, READY TO MEET NOAH? At just a few days old I was abandoned in the dumps, on a cold wet rainy day and just kept on going. I could barely hold my head up, starving, shaking and scared every night. I was ready to give up. I was traumatized, tired and weak. I wanted to lay down and fall asleep. I tried crying but the louder I cried, the more I heard coyotes and scary things in the night.

Then some lady with blonde curly hair, dreamy blue tear filled eyes and a heart of gold found me, picked me up, told me I was going to a place called DonkeyLand, put me in her truck and drove really fast. I wanted to stay in the arms of my earth Angel but she told me she had to leave me at DonkeyLand because she had to go save more lives. She told me she was an officer and worked for Animal Control. She promised to come back and visit me. She promised me that DonkeyLand would help me and love me forever.

Then I met my volunteers who said, welcome to DonkeyLand. I was surrounded by people who served me with great room service, cleaned up after me, carried me, helped me, loved me, prayed with me, sang to me and read stories to me. My doctor said it is a miracle I was alive after not nursing for at least 3 1/2 days, surviving the floods and the rain storm that almost washed me away.

ALL I needed was a friend my size. I made a wish and guess what? My wish came true. The next day, I heard everyone talking, I’m kinda nosey, I was trying to listen, they were saying oh noooooo there’s a orphaned baby in a nearby field with all the jacks which can be dangerous and deadly. I seen one of my volunteers run out in the field for a few hours searching and pacing for the baby’s mother. I was not sure what was going on. Just before dark, I heard them say we got her, we got her. Then I seen the most beautiful big eyes and long ear baby that looked my size being carried into my bedroom. I wished I knew how to whistle, woo-hoo she’s the most beautiful creature I have ever seen. I didn’t mind sharing my bedroom. I got up and gave her a donkey hug. Well you know my name is Noah and you know the animals came to Noah’s Ark two-by-two. That’s exactly what happened!!!

If you would like to read about Noah’s special best friend, read the story of our beautiful April Savannah. It’s a true love at first sight story, of two little orphaned lovebirds who will live together forever, happily ever after!

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